The Keil & Keil Literary Agency was founded in 1995 by Anja and Bettina Keil in Hamburg, Germany. We represent German and international fiction, non-fiction, children, young adult, fantasy and science fiction authors.

Bettina Keil - Keil & Keil Literatur-AgenturBettina Keil

Studied English, American, and German literature in Bonn and Hamburg and earned an M.A. in literature. She originated and coordinated the Hamburg Australian Literature Festival, and has worked professionally in the book trade and for music publishers.

Anja Keil - Keil & Keil LiteraturagenturAnja Keil

Earned an M.B.A. from the University of Cologne. She has served as head of marketing and customer relations at the Premiere Pay TV station, and as vice president of marketing at AOL Germany.

Sabine Langohr

Sabine Langohr

Certified bookseller, studied English and German literature in Düsseldorf, she has worked at and other firms and as a marketing consultant. She was a key figure in founding the bookstore stories! in Hamburg. She focuses on both fiction and non-fiction.

Press & Events

Sarah Haag

Studied communication at the University of Mainz (M.A.), editor at Arena and Friedrich Oetinger Publishing Houses, Editor-in-Chief of the “planet girl” imprint at Thienemann Publishing House, later editorial director at Loewe and “script 5” (new adult literature). Specializes in children’s and young adult literature (including illustration).

Press & Events

Robert Hönatsch Autor und Literaturagent

Robert Hönatsch

Author of novels and short stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and thrillers. Studied Scandinavian and German literature in Kiel, and has worked in the areas of communications marketing and freelance editing. He focuses on upmarket fiction, science fiction, and fantasy.

Co-Agency for Film/Radio plays/Theater

Verlag der Autoren GmbH & Co KG, Frankfurt